We want to help you have the best experience possible when you come to DAIH hospital as either a patient or visitor. We are here to answer all your questions and help you to get everything you need.


Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Our goal is to provide excellent healthcare to every patient. Our patients have the following rights and responsibilities, regardless of their race, color, culture, language, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender, socioeconomic status, age, and national origin. 


You have the right to:

  • Be treated as an individual with unique healthcare needs 

  • Proper evaluation and treatment

  • Respect in a caring and safe environment
  • Personal privacy and confidentiality of your health information
  • Have your concerns heard and resolved whenever possible 
  • Be involved in any decision making regarding your case
  • Accept or refuse treatment, to the extent that is permitted by the law
  • Be informed about your health status, recommended treatments, options, risks and benefits
  • Receive answers to any concerns, questions and requests you may have
  • Know the names of the healthcare professionals, physicians and nurses responsible for your care
  • Receive medical treatment, regardless of the source of payment 
  • Receive information about the costs of your care and the payment methods
  • Review and receive a copy of your medical record
  • Be informed of the benefits and risks of your treatment options and agree to or refuse a course of action
  • Designate a support person of your choice to be involved in your care when it is appropriate
  • Seek an alternate doctor or ask for a second opinion

It is your responsibility to:

  • Give complete and correct information about your health status and health history

  • Follow the medical plan and instructions given to you by the medical and nursing teams

  • Abide by the appointment times or inform those in charge in case of any changes
  • Abide by the DAIH policies and procedures, especially those related to visiting hours
  • Treat the medical, nursing and all hospital staff with respect
  • Maintain the hospital’s properties 
  • Settle all the financial payments of your medical care, according to the bylaws of the hospital and third-party payers 
  • Respect the rights and property of other patients
  • Accept the health consequences that may occur if you decide to refuse any treatment or instructions
  • Ask questions if you do not understand the information or instructions
  • Inform your caregivers if you do not intend to, or cannot, follow the treatment plan
  • Cooperate with your caregivers
  • Tell your caregivers of any medications that you have brought from home
  • Report any changes in your health status to your caregivers

The Admission Process

When you arrive at the hospital, we will ask you for your personal, health insurance and emergency contact information. Accurate and complete information is the key to successful care and treatment. Your privacy is always a priority. Your medical information must be protected and will not be shared.


Required Documents for Hospital Admission

The hospital’s Pre-Admission Office will require the following documents in order to arrange for your hospital admission:

  • Doctor’s Report
  • Lebanese I.D. (Hawiya)
  • Insurance Coverage 